
Manufacturing’21 seminar, Nantes, January 29-31, 2025

The Manufacturing’21 network brings together 25 French-speaking laboratories and research teams specializing in mechanical manufacturing processes and procedures. Its aim is to unite French teams around several key themes: modeling tool-material interactions, analyzing the mechanical behavior of structures, developing digital factories and designing innovative processes. The network organizes thematic seminars Read...

ECCM21 – 21st European Conference on Composite Materials for Academia and Industry

The 21st edition of the ECCM conference opened on July 2 at the Cité Internationale des Congrès in Nantes and will run until July 5, 2024. Over 1,300 participants are expected to attend this major event bringing together scientists from all over the world, from both industry and academia, to Read...

A look back at the 2023 ALERT Geomaterials Doctoral School

The 2023 ALERT Geomaterials Doctoral School, organised by Ioannis Stefanou (GeM) and Felix Darve (3SR), was dedicated to “Machine Learning in Geomechanics” and took place from September 28th to September 30th 2023. A total of 170 students participated in the school, during which fundamental concepts of machine learning were taught, Read...

ICCGS 2023 – 9th International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures – Nantes – 11-13 September 2023

The Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métier (Icam), High School of Engineering, is organizing the 9th International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures (ICCGS 2023) that will be held in its campus of Nantes, France from 11th to 13th September 2023. About seventy scientists, naval architects and Read...

ALERT Doctoral School 2023 – Machine Learning (ML) in Geomechanics

ALERT Doctoral School 2023 wille take place from September 28th until 30st 2023 during ALERT Geomaterials Workshop and School in Aussois. The thematic of this edition is “Machine Learning (ML) in Geomechanics” and is coordinated by Ioannis Stefanou (GeM) and Félix Darve (3SR). See the programme The school is addressed Read...

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