Building data-driven approaches to material behavior, description and estimation of service life
The Thematic Research Unit for Measurement, Data Assimilation and Uncertainties (TRU MELANI) brings together researchers specializing in measurement systems with researchers whose specialty is the propagation of uncertainties through system modeling.
The TRU aims to optimize measurement systems, improve knowledge and monitor structures in order to estimate residual lifetime and make decisions to maintain the operation or and/or integrity of the system studied.
and sensors
Numerical methods for uncertainty analysis
Monitoring and
- Energy: MRE, nuclear, solar, …
- Transport: naval, aeronautical, automotive
- Civil engineering: bridges, quays, …
- ANR ORCHESTRA – Topology optimization of though SiC-based 3D architectures for efficient high temperature heat generation driven by radiative transfers (2022-2026)
- ANR e-WARNINGS – Early detection of fatigue and intermittent failure using full-field approved Acoustic Emission multiplets (2020-2024)
- ANR ADVENTURE – 3D dAta DriVEn iNvestigation of faTigUe cRack growth with ovErload effects (2020-2024)
- ANR MOMAP – Measurement and optimization of lattice materials (2019-2023)
- Projet Carnot-MERS – TCIN – Investigation of the sTability of dune soils under environmental loading using Digital Image Correlation (2023-2024)
- Projet Carnot MERS – Durabilité des élasto-MERS : expériences et modèles (2021-2024)
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