Valentine Rey, laureate of the 2024 “Étoiles Montantes” program of the Pays de la Loire Region

  Project summary (french):De nos jours, le comportement mécanique de très nombreuses structures (industrielles, bio-médicales, …) est simulé à l’aide d’outils numériques. Il s’agit de construire une représentation numérique de la structure ou de l’assemblage considéré dans un logiciel de conception assistée par ordinateur. Ces logiciels permettent ensuite la simulation…

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EDYCEM and Centrale Nantes unveil their new research priorities for sustainable construction

Presentation of the orientations of the Chair by Olivier Collin (EDYCEM CEO), Daniel Robin (HERIGE), Jean-Baptiste Avrillier (Director of Centrale Nantes), Ahmed Loukili (GeM Professor at Centrale Nantes and Chair holder), Walid Chebbi (Technical & Innovation Director EDYCEM), Emmanuel Rozière (GeM Professor-Centrale Nantes), Sonia Boudache (GeM Research Engineer-Centrale Nantes), Frédéric…

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Focus on the project ANR PRCI CLIP- (Cohesive LIPschitz) on the modeling of space debris formed by dynamic satellite fragmentation

ANR CLIP- (Cohesive LIPschitz) This research project, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), is part of an International Collaborative Research Project (PRCI) between the team of Professor Jean-François Molinari from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the team of Professor Nicolas Moës from GeM at Centrale…

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Annual Raw Earth National Project (Projet National Terre Crue) Days from October 11 to 13, 2023, in Saint-Nazaire

The Raw Earth National Project (PN Terre Crue) will hold its 3-day annual conference in Saint-Nazaire (Campus Gavy) on October 11, 12, and 13, 2023. More than 80 participants, members of partner organizations of the National Project, are expected to attend this event co-organized by GeM and the steering committee…

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