More than 100 PhD students are preparing a thesis in the different teams of the laboratory within the framework of the Doctoral school (ED) Engineering and Systems Sciences (SIS).
Visit the ED SIS website for more information on the doctoral school, the training courses offered, funding, contacts…

The GeM is integrated in the EMJD SEED Simulation in Engineering and Entrepreneurship Development consortium, which finances theses in international co-supervision between the partners. More info…
Thesis offers
Consult also the platform Thèses en Bretagne Loire
Thesis defenses coming soon
There are no upcoming events.
Past thesis defenses
[Thesis defense] Ningyue Sheng ‘From effective elastic properties to ultrasonic attenuation : a statistical approach for characterizing random finite-sized polycrystals’
[Thesis defense] Mahmoud Nacer-eddine Hamdadou ‘Étude du comportement des matrices cimentaires à base de matériaux recyclés du jeune âge à long terme’
[Thesis defense] Gayelle Fahed ‘Understanding of the interactions between hydrates and pore solution to predict the evolution of transport properties during the propagation of seawater in low carbon cementitious materials.’
[Thesis defense] Yameng ji ‘3D printing of building materials – application to the construction of the structural walls of buildings’
[Thesis defense] Yassine Belarbi ‘Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement hygrothermique et de la performance énergétique des bâtiments en terre crue sous différents climats’
[Thesis defense] Ghita BAHAJ FILALI ‘Analysis of fatigue crack propagation with overload effects’
[Thesis defense] Benoit Lagain ‘Magnetic pulse assembly and disassembly of hybrid metal composite structures for ballistic protection’
[Thesis defense] Tarek Mesto ‘Development of a new additive manufacturing process by binder jetting with a one-degree-of-freedom robot applied to sand casting’
[Thesis defense] Hugo Madeira ‘Durability of elastomers during oxidative and marine ageing’
[Thesis defense] Tijana Kavrakova ‘Material characterisation and scaffold properties of tubular constructs for tissue engineering of blood vessels’
[Thesis defense] Lucile Pigeot ‘Multi-scale investigation of curing stress effect on the behavior of lime and hydraulic binder stabilized silt’
[Thesis defense] Lucie Calmettes ‘Shape measurement of 3D architectural materials from X-rays radiographs using a virtual image correlation method’
[Thesis defense] Jorge Piedra Dorado ‘Toolpath generation and manufacturing methodologies for hybrid manufacturing of metallic parts with WAAM and machining’
[Thesis defense] Ahmad Morsel ‘Experimental testing of masonry structures subjected to extreme loads’
Thesis defense – Nazih Assaad Al Ayoubi ‘Multi-scale modeling of fiber orientation in coupled fiber-reinforced viscous polymer systems’
[Thesis defense] Héloïse Dandin ‘A graph-based model-free data-driven computing approach for inelasticity. Application to elastoplasticity’
Thesis defense – Bastien Lammens ‘Characterisation of the dynamic decohesion of organic matrix composite materials (CMO)’
Thesis defense – Imane Bekrine ‘Study of the mechanical properties of low carbon binders using multi-scale experimental approaches’
[Thesis defense] Sela HOEUN ‘Influence of adhesion between the main cement phases on the mechanical behaviour of hydrated cement paste’
[Thesis defense] Léna COSTECALDE ‘Data-Driven Model Identification for hyperelasticity: mapping the strain energy throughout multiaxial experiments.’