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Nuit Blanche des Chercheur.es 2023
2 February 2023 à 18 h 00 – 23 h 30

The GeM will be represented during the edition 2023 of the “Nuit Blanche des Chercheurs à Nantes” which will take place at Stéréolux on February 2, 2023.
For this new edition on the theme “Vibrations”, the team of Prof. Ioannis Stefanou will present his work to the public during :
- a mini-conférence (Micro room from 7.10 until 7.25pm)
Seisms & Renewable Energy
In order to tackle climate change, technologies such as deep geothermal energy or underground storage of H2 and CO2 are showing great promise. However, they face a major obstacle: earthquakes, as interaction with the subsoil to inject fluids into it triggers seismic phenomena. How can this seismicity be avoided and energy production be guaranteed at the same time?
- 3 workshops
The physics of seismic activity
How do buildings get destroyed? What waves cause tsunamis? In their experiments, the researchers show the role of friction at the level of seismic faults and the role of the elasticity of rocks at depth. Discover the cause of earthquakes and stay on the surface of the Earth to observe the slightest vibrations.
Explosions, vibrations and heritage
Over the last few decades, our historical monuments have been subjected to explosive loading. Is it safe to make an explosion in a laboratory? Test yourself as a researcher to learn more about the properties of explosions and their propagation, through videos and original experiments.
How to control earthquakes ?
Earthquakes are destructive phenomena that have occurred throughout human history. The researchers present a system that explains the propagation of vibrations through a continuous medium. With your new knowledge, it is up to you to decide: can earthquakes be controlled?
> Download the programme
Free entry and admission.