Study of degradation processes of geomaterials, geostructures, and civil engineering structures
The Thematic Research Unit on Environmental Geomechanics (TRU GEOMEC) aims to gain new knowledge on the effects of microstructure evolution on the behavior of geomaterials under complex stresses and to propose technical solutions for managing the interactions between structures and the environment.

multi-physics stresses

Soil-structure interactions and structures

Geomechanics for energy
• Experimental equipment (biaxial multiphase interface machine, triaxial erodimeters, direct interface shear machine adapted to thermomechanical loading….)
• Numerical simulation methods (FEM, DEM, SPH, LBM, FFT-based upscaling method)
- Vulnerability of structures and territories
- Soil-structure interactions
- Geothermal energy
- Energy storage
- Internal erosion by suffusion
- External erosion by overflow
- Coastal erosion
- Mechanical characterization of coarse soils using trimming techniques (experimental and numerical methods)
- …
- ERC Consolidator Grant INJECT – Preventing human-induced seismicity to fight climate change (2024-2029).
- ERC Starting Grant CoQuake – Controlling Earthquake (2018-2023).
- ANR PERSÉE – PERmeability evolution of granular Soils in an internal Erosion context (2022 – 2026).
- Projet Carnot MERS – MERCC “Modélisation de l’érosion des littoraux face aux changements climatiques” (2022-2025).
- “Contribution expérimentale et numérique à l’étude des risques des ouvrages hydrauliques en terre”, financé par EDF-Centre d’Ingénierie Hydraulique, Verbund (2020-2024)