The Daniel Valentin 2023 Prize has been awarded to Mael Péron, GeM Associate Professor at IUT Saint-Nazaire, by the Association pour les MAtériaux Composites.
The prize is awarded each year to a researcher under 35 years old, in recognition of a structured body of work carried out over a limited number of years in the field of composite materials. This work can take various forms: professional experience, doctorate, research work, etc.
Mael defended his thesis in 2016 at LTeN in Nantes before joining GeM as a post-doc. He has held the position of Associate Professor since 2017 and is attached to the TRU DURPRO and MULTIX. His work focuses on the study of the mechanical behavior of composite materials during processing, the impact of heat transfer and transformation kinetics (polymerization, crystallization) on their mechanical state, and, for the past few years, he has also been interested in the impact of hygroscopic diffusion on the mechanical behavior of composite materials, particularly with natural fibers. He has supervised or is supervising 6 PhD students, three of whom have defended their thesis, and one post-doc. In 2022, he was awarded ANR JCJC funding to study the behavior of flax fiber composites during processing (MOCOMBIO-MEMPHYS project).
The prize will be awarded at the Journées Nationales des Composites to be held at ENS Paris-Saclay from June 30 to July 2, 2025, following a presentation by Mael Péron on the theme ” Couplings and multi-physics decouplings during the processing of organic matrix composites “.
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The Association pour les Matériaux Composites was founded in 1979. It is an association governed by the French law of 1901. Its purpose is to bring together teachers, researchers and engineers from universities and industry involved in the study, manufacture, control and use of composite materials. Its essential vocation is to bring together all those involved in composite materials. The term composites is used in a very broad sense, independently of the nature of the constituents.