The 2024 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation Award was awarded to Abdallah Aoude by EGU (European Geosciences Union) in the Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences category for his poster/PICO :
“Design of a new laboratory earthquake experiment (Aoude, A.; Stefanou, I.; Semblat, J.-F.; Rubino, V.)“
Abdallah Aoude is a PhD student at GeM at Centrale Nantes, under the supervision of Ioannis Stefanou and co-supervision of Vito Rubino and Jean-François Semblat, within the UTR DYNAST.
His research, as part of the European ERC CoQuake project, focuses on the experimental design of earthquake control strategies, specifically through the development and design of analogue fault systems to study and test earthquake nucleation and control.
At EGU24, Abdallah presented a new experiment that simulates earthquake-like events in the laboratory. This experiment is designed to implement and test existing control theories to prevent instabilities and achieve controlled slip rates, while also enabling the study of earthquake nucleation and rupture propagation.