Watch Luciano Vidal TEDx talk “La bio-impression 3D, une révolution pour la médecine régénérative”

Luciano Vidal, researcher at GeM, specialist in 3D printing and bio printing, works on the Rapid Manufacturing Platform at Centrale Nantes alongside Prof. Jean-Yves Hascoët on research projects combining engineering and health, such as bone regeneration using 3D printing.

To solve the problem of the increase in certain disabling diseases such as intestinal diseases, breast reconstruction, among others, Luciano is thinking about new solutions such as tissue engineering and biofabrication to generate tissues of the body from stem cells and bio printing. A principle of cell biology that he combines, with his multidisciplinary teams, with 3D technology to be able to offer new solutions for transplantation and reconstruction, especially to children and women suffering from this type of disease.

His talk in a nutshell: Biofabrication: present and future revolution.



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