Merveil Muanda Lutete, 3rd year PhD student in a Cifre thesis with the company INGEROP in collaboration between GeM (Nabil Issaadi), Cerema (Marjorie Musy) and CSTB (Philippe Delpech and Maeva Sabre), is the winner of the Palladio 2022 scholarship of a value of 10,000 euros.
This grant rewards his work on the study on the evaluation of adaptation measures of the urban environment to the constraints of global warming and will fund an experimental study to validate the reliability of urban microclimate modeling tools, useful for evaluating adaptation solutions.
The context and objectives of the thesis can be viewed on the following video:
The Palladio foundation‘s scholarship program aims to accompany and support the younger generation (students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students, both French and foreign), by giving them the means to carry out their higher education or research projects in fields directly related to the real estate industry and the construction of the City. This project must be designed under the sponsorship of a French and/or foreign higher education and research institution and may benefit from the support of a company in the sector.

Missions et Actions
To ensure that the city is as humane, liveable, sustainable, inclusive and value-creating as possible, the Palladio Foundation works directly with the actors who make or will make the city, by creating the support tools necessary for collective commitment (Université de la Ville de Demain), for taking a step back (Institut Palladio), for preparing the relays (Pôle Avenir Palladio) and for anticipation (Connecteur Innovation-Recherche Palladio)
By bringing together economic and political decision-makers, managers and experts, students and professionals, university researchers and corporate researchers, each of the Foundation’s actions contributes to a process of questioning, open-mindedness and mutual enrichment. The Foundation aims to create the conditions that will enable each player in the real estate and urban sectors to be better able to respond to the major challenges of today and tomorrow, whether they be economic, environmental, social or societal.