Manufacturing’21 seminar, Nantes, January 29-31, 2025

The Manufacturing’21 network brings together 25 French-speaking laboratories and research teams specializing in mechanical manufacturing processes and procedures. Its aim is to unite French teams around several key themes: modeling tool-material interactions, analyzing the mechanical behavior of structures, developing digital factories and designing innovative processes.

The network organizes thematic seminars every six months, the next one will be jointly hosted by LS2N (Mathieu Ritou) and GeM (Matthieu Rauch) from January 29 to 31, 2025 in Nantes.

This meeting gives PhD students the opportunity to share their work and exchange ideas with lecturers from other laboratories. The aim is to facilitate the integration of young researchers into the mechanical manufacturing scientific community.
Manufacturing’21 is also intended as a forum for exchange, encouraging the emergence of synergies between French laboratories specializing in this field.

This seminar covers the latest topics in manufacturing processes:

  • CAD/CAM, optimization and path generation
  • Bioprinting applications
  • Simulation of manufacturing machine and robot behavior
  • Green Manufacturing, recycling and environmental impact
  • Digital Machining Twin
  • Simulation of manufacturing processes (machining, polishing, additive manufacturing, etc.)
  • Cryogenic cutting assistance

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