[Thesis defense] Merveil Muanda Lutete ‘Microclimatic Assessment of Urban Environmental Adaptation Strategies to Climate Warming Challenges.’

CEREMA 12 boulevard Vincent Gâche, NANTES, France

Merveil Muanda Lutete, PhD student in TRU INGVER, will defend his thesis on December 19, 2024 at 9am at CEREMA Nantes on the subject : 'Microclimatic Assessment of Urban Environmental Adaptation Strategies to Climate Warming Challenges.' Composition of the jury : - Anne RUAS, Ingénieure des ponts des eaux et…

[Thesis defense] Mahmoud Nacer-eddine Hamdadou ‘Étude du comportement des matrices cimentaires à base de matériaux recyclés du jeune âge à long terme’

Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumedienne Bab Ezzouar, Algeria

Mahmoud Nacer-eddine Hamdadou, PhD student in TRU DURPRO, will defend his thesis on December 19, 2024 at 9.30am at Alger (University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) on the subject : 'Étude du comportement des matrices cimentaires à base de matériaux recyclés du jeune âge à long terme' Composition…

[Thesis defense] Ningyue Sheng ‘From effective elastic properties to ultrasonic attenuation : a statistical approach for characterizing random finite-sized polycrystals’

IUT Saint-Nazaire - Bât 17 58 Rue Michel Ange, SAINT-NAZAIRE

Ningyue Sheng, PhD student in TRU MULTIX, will defend his thesis on December 20, 2024 at 1.45pm at IUT de Saint-Nazaire on the subject : 'From effective elastic properties to ultrasonic attenuation : a statistical approach for characterizing random finite-sized polycrystals' Composition of the jury : - Thomas HEUZÉ, Professeur…

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