[Séminar] David Grégoire ‘Toward a unified fluid/solid DFT-based formulation to describe multiphysics couplings appearing in nanoporous materials’ (ouvert à tou·te·s)
Thursday 3 April à 13 h 30 – 15 h 00

As part of the laboratory’s external seminars and at the invitation of TRU INGVER and DURPRO, we will welcome David Grégoire, Full professor at Université de Pau (Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et leurs Réservoirs)on 3 April 2025 at 1.30 pm at Centrale Nantes (Amphi E) on the subject :
‘Toward a unified fluid/solid DFT-based formulation to describe multiphysics couplings appearing in nanoporous materials (confinement effects, adsorption-induced swelling and water phase changes)‘
Abstract :
Bio :
David Grégoire (Full Professor in Mechanics), specialised in failure, transport properties and multiphysics couplings in porous media, has been graduated from ENS Cachan (France) in 2004. He obtained his PhD degree in Mechanics from INSA-Lyon (France) in 2008 and then joined Northwestern University (USA) as a research associate. After one year, he came back in France for a second postdoctoral position at UPPA where he was finally hired in 2010 at the ISA BTP civil engineering school. He defended his French habilitation thesis in Mechanics in 2014 and is heading since 2015 the Mechanics and Physics in Porous Media (MPPM) research group at LFCR (UMR5150). From 2010 to 2015, he was recipient of a CNRS Higher Education Chair and he is an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France (junior chair 2017-2022). From 2019, David Grégoire is co-heading the International hub Newpores dedicated to the mechanics and physics of porous materials, which intends to answer to new Energy and Environment challenges. This is a joint effort of the MPPM research group at UPPA (France), the Centre for Sustainable engineering of Geological and Infrastructure Materials (SEGIM) at Northwestern University (USA), the University of Vigo (Spain), the Technical University of Madrid (Spain) and the University of Liège (Belgium).