Imane Bekrine receives the Best Student Presentation Award at the ACI/RILEM ICCM2024 international conference

Imane Bekrine received the Best Student Presentation Award at the 12th ACI/RILEM International Conference held in Toulouse from 23 to 26 June 2024 Among the 60 presentations by PhD students over the three days of the conference, Imane stood out for her presentation entitled “Multiscale Mechanical Investigation of Ternary Binders…

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EDYCEM and Centrale Nantes unveil their new research priorities for sustainable construction

Presentation of the orientations of the Chair by Olivier Collin (EDYCEM CEO), Daniel Robin (HERIGE), Jean-Baptiste Avrillier (Director of Centrale Nantes), Ahmed Loukili (GeM Professor at Centrale Nantes and Chair holder), Walid Chebbi (Technical & Innovation Director EDYCEM), Emmanuel Rozière (GeM Professor-Centrale Nantes), Sonia Boudache (GeM Research Engineer-Centrale Nantes), Frédéric…

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Annual Raw Earth National Project (Projet National Terre Crue) Days from October 11 to 13, 2023, in Saint-Nazaire

The Raw Earth National Project (PN Terre Crue) will hold its 3-day annual conference in Saint-Nazaire (Campus Gavy) on October 11, 12, and 13, 2023. More than 80 participants, members of partner organizations of the National Project, are expected to attend this event co-organized by GeM and the steering committee…

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