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Soutenance de thèse – Hong-Duc PHAM “Modelling and service life monitoring of mooring lines of floating wind turbines”
26 septembre 2019 à 10 h 00
Hong-Duc PHAM, soutiendra sa thèse le 26 septembre 2019 à 10h00 à Centrale Nantes (Salle T100) sur le sujet suivant:
“Modelling and service life monitoring of mooring lines of floating wind turbines”
In this work a methodology for service life monitoring of mooring lines of floating wind turbines is proposed. First, an empirical expression of dynamic stiffness of a nylon rope is obtained from the testing data in the literature. A practical modeling procedure is proposed which allows accounting for the non-linear dynamic axial stiffness of nylon mooring ropes. The second part is devoted to the prediction of fatigue life of mooring lines. Cutting-edge methods for fatigue analysis in frequency domain and for simulation of nonlinear mooring response (e.g. Artificial Neural Network) are investigated in order to perform quick fatigue estimate in a reliability framework. The present methodology aims to support making decisions regarding maintenance or replacement of lines based on the level of reliability estimated during the expected service life.
Jury :
- Christian BERHAULT, Docteur, Centrale Nantes
- Patrice CARTRAUD Professeur, GeM – Centrale Nantes
- Peter DAVIES, Chercheur, Structures Marines – IFREMER
- Lars JOHANNING, Professeur, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences – University of Exeter
- Guillaume PUEL, Professeur, MSSMAT – Centrale Supelec
- Franck SCHOEFS Professeur, GeM – Université de Nantes
- Emmanuelle VIDAL-SALLE, Professeur, LAMCOS – INSA Lyon
Membre invité:
- Thomas SOULLARD, Ingénieur, SEM-REV – Centrale Nantes