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Séminaire – Prof. Deborah SULSKY ‘Modeling Arctic Sea Ice’

18 décembre 2018 à 11 h 00



Le GeM a le plaisir d’accueillir, du 13 au 19 décembre, la Professeure Deborah SULSKY, du Département des Mathématiques et Statistiques de l’Université du Nouveau Mexique d’Albuquerque, invitée par Laurent STAINIER et Thomas HEUZE .


Pendant son séjour, Deborah SULSKY participera au jury de thèse d’Adrien Renaud et nous présentera ses travaux lors d’un séminaire
le 18 décembre 2018 à 11h00 à Centrale Nantes (Amphithéâtre B9) sur le sujet suivant:


‘Modeling Arctic Sea Ice’

Sea ice regulates heat, moisture and salinity in the polar oceans. In the winter, sea-ice insulates relatively warm ocean water from the colder air, except where cracks, or leads, allow heat and water vapor to escape from the ocean to the atmosphere. Motion of the ice pack is driven by the atmosphere and ocean. The ice pack is able to move and deform because of concentrated deformations at leads. An elastic-decohesive constitutive model for pack ice has been developed that explictly accounts for leads. The constitutive model is based on elasticity combined with a cohesive crack law that predicts the initiation, orientation and opening of leads.

A numerical technique called the material-point method (MPM) shows promise for treating material failure. MPM is based on a Lagrangian set of material points with associated mass, position, velocity, stress, and other material parameters, and a background mesh where the momentum equation is solved. This method avoids the convection errors associated with fully Eulerian methods as well as the mesh entanglement that can occur with fully Lagrangian methods under large deformations. Example calculations using the elastic-decohesive constitutive model are performed for regional and pan-Arctic domains.
Corresponding satellite observations are used to validate and calibrate the model.





Date :
18 décembre 2018
Heure :
11 h 00
Catégories d’Évènement:


ECN – Amphi B9
1 rue de la Noë
NANTES, 44000
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