Fault friction for different values of coseismic slip and coseismic slip velocity.
Fault friction, Pressure and Temperature after the completion of coseismic slip. On the left: Frictional response of the fault gouge under shear for large displacements. In th middle: Traveling of strain localization inside the fault gouge. On the right: Profiles of the pore fluid pressure and temperature.
Fault friction during initial stages of coseismic slip for different values of the shear velocity $\dot{\delta}$.
Temperature ∆T and pore fluid pressure ∆P fields along the height of the layer for a bounded fault gouge – traveling strain localization.
Temperature ∆T and pore fluid pressure ∆P fields along the height of the layer for a bounded fault gouge – stationary strain localization.
Temperature ∆T and pore fluid pressure ∆P fields along the height of the layer for an unbounded fault gouge – traveling strain localization.
Temperature ∆T and pore fluid pressure ∆P fields along the height of the layer for an unbounded fault gouge – stationary strain localization.