Derniers Évènements passés

Soutenance de thèse – Yuliang ZOU “Modelling of the dynamic effects in capillary pressure in coupling with deformation on the desiccation of porous materials”

Yuliang ZOU soutiendra sa thèse le 10 décembre 2020 à 9h30 sur le sujet suivant : “Modelling of the dynamic effects in capillary pressure in coupling with deformation on the desiccation of porous materials”       Résumé : The durability of infrastructure made of porous materials such as soil, sand…

Soutenance de thèse – Dinh Minh TRAN “Suffusion susceptibility characterization by taking into consideration the context of engineering practice “. The composition of the jury and the abstract are detailed below.”

IUT Saint-Nazaire - Bât 17 58 Rue Michel Ange, SAINT-NAZAIRE

Dinh Minh TRAN soutiendra sa thèse le 8 décembre 2020 à 9h30 à l'IUT de Saint Nazaire sur le sujet suivant : “Suffusion susceptibility characterization by taking into consideration the context of engineering practice ". The composition of the jury and the abstract are detailed below.”     Résumé : Internal erosion…

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