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Séminaire – Prof. Alessio Ferrari ‘Multiphysical geomechanics for underground nuclear waste disposal’
8 novembre 2022 à 14 h 30 – 16 h 00

Chercheur invité au GeM, Prof. Alessio Ferrari de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EFPL) donnera un séminaire le mardi 8 novembre 2022 à 14h30 à Centrale Nantes (Amphi A)
Multiphysical geomechanics for underground nuclear waste disposal
Use of nuclear energy is currently one of the most-debated topics in terms of response to energy demand and mitigation of climate change. The disposal of wastes from nuclear power plant is one of the fundamental issues linked to use of this kind of energy. There is international consensus on the fact that geological disposal of those wastes is the most reliable solution.
The numerous interacting physical phenomena that occur during the lifetime of the nuclear waste disposal make any prediction of the behaviour of the deposits a challenging subject. A thorough understanding of the interacting thermo-hydro-chemical-mechanical phenomena to which the involved geomaterials (engineered barriers and host rock) are exposed is a fundamental requirement for such prediction.
The presentation will report recent advances on experimental and modelling tools which are currently supporting nuclear-waste agencies in the site-selection, design and long-term predictions of deep nuclear waste repositories.